NAME: Darcie Dressman
SCHOOL: Highlands High
SPORT(S): Cross Country-Track
GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT: Winning conference;
breaking records in mile &
BIRTHDATE: 1-16-88
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 5'8" - 130 lbs.
PARENTS: Tim Dressman-Kelly Rose
BIGGEST INFLUENCE: "My friends, coaches and
FUTURE GOAL: "Break 19 minutes in cross
MVP ACCOMPLISHMENTS: This senior has been
running varsity since the 8th
grade, and has helped the Bluebirds to 4 team championships -- 3 in cross
country and one in track. She has been named 1st team all-Northern
Kentucky in cross country 4 times, Northern Kentucky Cross Country
Runner of the Year once and 1st team all-state once. She has finished
2nd and 3rd at state the past two years and also holds the school cross
country record (19:02). In track, she was an integral part in the
Kentucky Class AA champion 3,200 relay team. Darcie holds the school's
track record in the mile and 3-mile runs. A good academic
student-athlete, she is a member of National Honor Society and is active
in several community service projects. She will run next season at
Eastern Kentucky U. Her favorite entertainer is Ashley Judd; her
favorite athlete is Marion Jones, and her most-like-to-meet are Cameron
Diaz and Rachel McAdams.
COACH'S QUOTE -- "There is not a more
dedicated athlete than Darcie. She
runs on her own in and out of season. She pushes her teammates in a
positive way and I've never coached anyone who could handle the
pressures of competition as well as Darcie." -- Teri Mayhew, Running